

3ngine Custom

Always looking for a way to create custom things at a low price.

I’ve been playing drums forover 2 decades, and in all that time I’ve been on tons of stages, countries, indoor, outdoor, road trip, tours, festivals and so on….
Looking up to drummers I always was fascinated by the design, sound, and finish of their drums, when asking around I quickly came to realise that the cost of a nice sounding and looking drum was very high.

As a youngster I couldn’t afford that, so I started building/recycling them myself, I could make them exactly how I like them, how I want them to sound and look. And at a much lower price!
Seeing that a lot of people wanted to get rid of their old kits I started collecting them, what ended up in various sizes and wood types. From that point it’s a mix and match game and then getting it all together so it looks like a unit.

So in the end i give old kits a second life and new design so they are useful again.

I’m also proud to be an endorser of Stagg you can see my artist profile here, a brand that has the same ideology that i have with my drums, they make affordable and good quality instruments so young people can start playing.

3ngine Custom – Stagg



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